Onions are an integral part of our cuisine. We chop it, dice it, pickle it, eat it raw, eat it cooked-- there are so many ways we incorporate onion in our diet. Onions are useful for our body. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants like quercetin and sulfur compounds and give a range of health benefits including immunity and digestion.
However, in order to get maximum benefits from onion one needs to eat it at the right time. Let's understand the right way to eat onion so our body gets time to absorb its nutrients properly.
Did you know that you can have onion in the morning?
Eating raw onions in the morning on an empty stomach can maximize their
detoxifying properties. Onions help flush out toxins, improve liver function, and kickstart your metabolism. The sulfur compounds in onions stimulate enzyme production, which aids in better digestion and nutrient absorption throughout the day.
One way to consume onions in the morning is by adding them to fresh salads or smoothies. Alternatively, a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of onion juice can serve as a gentle detox drink, particularly beneficial for people with sluggish digestion or bloating issues.
It is a common practice to consume onion in meals
Consuming onions with your main meals, such as lunch or dinner, ensures optimal absorption of their nutrients. Onions contain
prebiotics that feed the good bacteria in your gut, enhancing the digestion of other nutrients from your food. This makes onions an excellent companion to fiber-rich and protein-heavy meals.
Including raw onions in salads or as a garnish for dishes like dal, sabzi, or raita is a popular practice in Indian cuisine. The natural enzymes in raw onions will not be destroyed and will contribute to the better breakdown of food. Adding a squeeze of lemon juice to onions enhances nutrient absorption; the Vitamin C in the lemon has a synergistic effect with the bioavailability of iron and other minerals in the onions.
A light evening snack with onion toppings can have a good effect on your health
Onions in the evening can help regulate blood sugar levels and promote relaxation. Their chromium content helps improve insulin sensitivity, making them beneficial for people with diabetes. Onions are known to have a calming effect due to their antioxidants, which reduce oxidative stress and promote better sleep quality.
A light evening snack, such as a bowl of yogurt with finely chopped onions and herbs, is a great way to wind down while ensuring your body absorbs the nutrients. However, avoid eating raw onions too late at night, as they can cause heartburn or discomfort in some people.
Raw or cooked onion? Which is the best way to eat it
After you know when to consume onion for better health benefit, let's understand which is the best way to consume onion? Raw or in cooked form?
While raw onions maintain their maximum vitamins and sulfur compound, cooked onions are easier to digest, and have a milder taste. While it makes some antioxidants such as quercetin more bioavailable upon cooking, extreme heat also destroys some sensitive heat-like nutrients, like Vitamin C.
Pairing onions with the right food is the key
Combine onions with spinach, lentils, or chickpeas, as the sulfur compounds in onions enhance the absorption of plant-based iron. Cook onions with olive oil, ghee, or coconut oil to increase the bioavailability of fat-soluble nutrients like Vitamin A. Pair raw onions with probiotics like curd or pickles to support gut health and improve nutrient assimilation.